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5 steps to coming present for important decisions

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What are you seeking in your life?

Perhaps you want a new, deeper relationship. Maybe you’re looking for a creative outlet. Or you’re on the hunt for a new job or even an entirely new career.

For anyone who is seeking change in an area of life, the first step is always the same: to come present.

By becoming present and paying attention to the now, you begin to tap into your power. 

Where do you start? Stop sleepwalking. Pick your head up. Notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you. Let your higher self tune in to your own unique experience.

From this space, you have the freedom to take actions toward what you truly desire. You’ll begin to come to clarity. That new job, a deeper relationship, your happiness — are all within your reach.

So if you have a tough decision to make, or just aren’t sure where you’re headed, try this:

  1. Set aside 10 minutes in your day. (Just 10 minutes!)
  2. Find a quiet spot. Shut the door, leave your phone in the other room. Make sure you won’t be disturbed.
  3. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. For each breath, strive to stay in the moment for each inhale and exhale.
  4. Then, move through your senses. What do you see? hear? smell? taste? feel? Label and catalog each sense.
  5. From here — ask yourself 2 questions. Tell yourself the truth in your answer. If you notice yourself trying to figure out “how” — stop. Come back to the questions: 1) why do I want this change 2) what do I want, specifically.

When you’re finished, stand up. Consider jotting down your thoughts in a notebook or in your phone. Call a trusted friend and share your thoughts and ideas. And make your decision from a place of presence and hopefully better clarity.